Writing About Change
I wanted to share a heartfelt update with all of you. The past year has been a whirlwind of self-discovery and growth as Brian and I moved from Michigan to Vermont. I'm excited to share how it has led me towards a shift in direction.
Last spring, an Akimbo workshop reshaped my perspective on community building. It sparked some profound introspection and helped me to realize there was room for growth in how I interacted with all of you health contenders in the community. That was really the genesis of the newsletter (a/k/a Anita Joy’s Notes).
Lately, my path is steering me toward exploring new career avenues. While that initial fire in my belly that led me to start GIG Design back in 2005 still burns, it has evolved into a desire to support — rather than own — a firm at the forefront of mission-based change for the improvement of people and communities.
With this in mind, I'm shifting the way we can connect as a community. Instead of Notes in your inbox, I'll be sharing them (less frequently) on GIG Design's LinkedIn page and my Instagram feed. Please know: This "newsletter" isn't an end, but a new beginning.
Your support and presence have shaped GIG Design and this community into what it is today. And for that, I am deeply thankful. Below are a few pictures of many milestones over the years. So, here's to embracing change! I look forward to continuing to inspire and be inspired by you all.
First business to consumer collaboration, 2006
First event, “Brand You Year “ in 2008
First occupational science model and framework, Bethany Aitkenhead, 2013
First toolkit prototypes, 2014
First fieldwork student, Brittany Kessler, 2015
First mailer and brochure, 2016
First Michigan business to business collaboration, 2017
First YouTube video, 2020