Let’s Co-Create

Inspiring Action by Design

Knowing how to make meaningful change is different than actually doing it. In 2006, we set out to empower individuals through co-creating dynamic practices and environments that nurtured vibrant lifestyles.

GIG Design History

GIG is the acronym for Good Is Ground, which translates to values are resources. Anita’s dedication curating actionable environments, plus Bethany’s compelling play-to-grow practices, formulated a consulting framework that factored in everything about you and your environment.

We set up a collective blog, which was essentially the seed of this website. Bethany operated from the east coast while Anita was on the west coast. We tested, implemented, and wrote about the elements involved in our person-environment methodology. Five years before the pandemic, we were collaborating with each other, plus consulting clients in various states, by video of the internet.

One Member, Three Communities

GIG Design’s team were licensed occupational therapy providers consulting in the health and wellness industry. Collectively, we published over 1,800 educational resources. Anita is the sole member who’s now exploring supportive roles, experimenting with value-based practices, and elevating conversations surrounding meaning-making activities in the home.