Perception is Reality — And a Tasty One at That.

Perception is Reality — And a Tasty One at That.

Yesterday, I was listening to Choiceology, a “behavioral finance” podcast. During the episode, Kareem Haggag made the point that people can misattribute their perception of how tasty a food may be with the physical state they are in at the time. When I heard this my thoughts shifted to a recent experience. 

Last month, we moved from Michigan to Vermont. As the movers drove off with our belongings from our home in the Mitten, I began to feel mentally and emotionally exhausted. Shortly afterwards, we were tasting wine with friends and I noticed that everyone but me frequently went to the spit bucket. So, I wonder: Did I misattribute the taste because of how I was feeling?

The lesson: environments are literal, perceptible, real-life physical structures. They’re objects, smells, infrastructure, climate, and safety. Environments are also metaphorical. That means there are environmental dynamics, interactions, expectations, and mental spaces that impact your choices. Environments are what’s there or what you make “there” by imagining it.

Layers of environment, Precision Nutrition

If a food is at work, in your home, or in your possession, then either you or someone you love (or marginally tolerate) will undoubtedly eat it. Although, a curious observer may beg to differ. Categorize the food you eat in three categories: eat more, eat some, eat less. Then consider which of the following environment strategies you can practice:

  • Use an entrance into a building that avoids walking by “eat less” food.

  • Choose a route that avoids driving by “eat less” places.

  • Meet with people you commonly “eat less” food with at a place without food.

  • Ask your server to share your favorite “eat more” foods rather than looking at a menu.

  • Build your social media feeds with restaurants and grocers who offer “eat more” foods.

  • Stock or store “eat less” foods in inconvenient places. 

Many of my clients improved their nutrition practices by changing and adapting their environments. Reach out if you’re interested in learning how to do this more effectively. Or follow me on Instagram to learn from my stories. This upcoming week I plan to share several ways I shape the path of my nutrition by environment.  

Two of a kind.

Two of a kind.

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