Behavior Goals

Behavior Goals

Goals take the form of beacons or guides, however, not all goals are created equal. Some ignite passion and drive, while others create a sense of uncertainty of even demotivated. The secret lies in finding the right kind of goal, one that aligns with your core identity and fuels your actions.

The right goals are like magnets for your energy and focus. They inspire action and provide a clear direction for practice. When you're working towards the right goal, there's a sense of purpose that propels you forward. On the flip side, the wrong goals can lead to anxiety and a feeling of being lost, draining your motivation and enthusiasm.

Authentic goals are those that resonate deeply with your sense of self. They harmonize with your aspirations, what you wish to do, who you aim to be, and the growth you want to achieve. These are the goals that bridge the gap between who you are and what you want to attain, forging a powerful connection that propels you towards success.

It's important to understand that life is often unpredictable, and outcomes are not entirely within your control. Yet, the beauty lies in the fact that while outcomes might be uncertain, your behaviors are not. Commitment, practice, routine, and consistent action are the building blocks that lead to desired outcomes.

For instance, let's take the example of dropping 3 pounds. While you can't directly control the outcome, you can certainly control the behavior that contributes to that outcome—like practicing the habit of eating slowly. The focus shifts from fixating on the end result to nurturing the behaviors that pave the way to success.

Remember, your desired outcome is made up of the actions you take today. By choosing behaviors that align with your goals, you're steering yourself in the right direction. The right kind of goal empowers you in craft and control of a path that's uniquely yours. Goals that resonate with your identity, and channel your energy into behaviors that lead you to your desired outcomes, will be the most faithful beacons and guides.

The following questions are helpful to consider a behavior goal.

What’s the outcome you want?

What’s a behavior you can do consistently this month to achieve the outcome goal? This week? Today?

Does this behavior goal spark your interest? Flow from your values, what’s important to you?


Lokhorst AM, Werner C, Staats H, van Dijk E, Gale JL. Commitment and Behavior Change: A Meta-Analysis and Critical Review of Commitment-Making Strategies in Environmental Research. Environment and Behavior. 2013;45(1):3-34. doi:10.1177/0013916511411477

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