A community of health contenders
You've been part of goal-oriented conversations before. Now, join a unique community discussion centered around quality of life, health, prevention, and self-advocacy.
I'm having a moment
Knowing how to achieve something differs greatly from the act of doing it. The "doing" part involves embracing the practice, even when life throws you those tricky knuckleballs.
Living out loud
Saying things out loud makes it real in a way that simply thinking about it doesn’t. It’s even more powerful when you say things in the presence of others. Exposing a speck of doubt or uncertainty in the open air? There’s no going back.
Getting a buzz on purpose
Understanding and settling strong emotions, being open-minded, and knowing yourself will benefit your ability to bounce back from defeat (and loud buzzers) quickly. Three strengths help you to be capable and competent for responding to a situation rather than reacting to it.