Focus on Body Isometrics

Focus on Body Isometrics

Isometric body work involves one sustained position that recruits all neuromuscular systems. Iso means equal and metric refers to length. Therefore isometric means constant muscle length.

There’s no visible movement with or against force in isometric work. The muscle action dynamically stabilizes forces. In activities of daily living and sports, isometrics are used to dynamically stabilize the body (e.g. standing or sitting.) Isometric activation also occurs with weight lifting when a repetition ends or within a held position.

GIG Design’s Movement Catalog is categorized by types of movement: balance, coordination, and endurance. The isometrics below are tagged by fitness level, type of intensity, which body region it’s primarily targeting, and tools or equipment that may be optional or required. Select this link for category and tag definitions within our movement catalog.

How you might use this catalog is to, first choose one isometric then practice sustaining full recruitment of all the systems involved within the position. You might experiment by challenging yourself with a set time for holding the posture under tension. Isometrics are more so lower intensity, although, sustained positions are useful for recovery days, too.


Hanten WP, Olson SL, Butts NL, Nowicki AL. Effectiveness of a home program of ischemic pressure followed by sustained stretch for treatment of myofascial trigger points. Phys Ther. 2000;80:997-1003.

Focus on Body Mobility and Recovery

Focus on Body Mobility and Recovery

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