Conflict Resolution
Conflict is an unavoidable part of life, but there are strategies to prepare for it. Organizations like Peace Over Violence aid individuals in navigating through conflicts and offer resources for preparation. Their Violence Prevention Specialists provide valuable insights and techniques, outlined below, to help individuals effectively manage conflict situations.
Steps to Conflict Resolution
Communicate: Discuss and define the problem from each person's point of view.
Brainstorm possible solutions.
Negotiate: evaluate and select the viable solutions.
Compromise: Choose a solution that is acceptable to both parties.
Act: Implement the solution.
Re-evaluate the solution at a later date.
Rules for Fighting Fair
Identify the problem - deal with only one problem at a time.
Focus on the problem not the person.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Don't bring up the past.
Don't use I statements.
No "fouls": i.e. no blaming, put-downs, shouting, name-calling, "you" statements, swearing, interruptions, he said/she said, sarcasm, unkind tone of voice.
Be committed to resolving the problem.
Don't hold grudges. If you're not satisfied with the outcome, be honest and talk about it more.
Be willing to be wrong. Don't take a position just because you need to be right.
Don't be stubborn; be willing to compromise.
Pay attention to timing. Bring up the problem at a time when you and your partner would be receptive.
If the discussion is escalating, take a break; but decide on a specific time to get together and discuss the issue again.
Listen! Take to heart what your partner is saying to you.
Try to see the other person's point of view.
Speak and act assertive. Try not to become defensive or offense; don't take things personally. Both parties should be attempting to discuss the issue, not run away from or attack one another.