What is whole person health?

Whole person health is defined by the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health. This empowerment approach to health considers multiple interconnected factors - including biological, behavioral, social, and environmental factors. The focus is on restoring health, promoting resilience, and preventing diseases across a lifespan.

GIG consultants contribute to whole person health by guiding clients to “poise” and “work the cause” in order to design and develop meaningful performance.

P.O.I.S.E. (sounds like poise) are activity based domains.

  • Physical activities strengthens self-care such as your nutrition, sleep, and movement/exercise skills.

  • Occupational activities strengthen self-esteem such as your roles, commitments, and management skills at work, home, and in the community.

  • Intellectual activities strengthen self-pacing such as your consistency, organizing, and growth mindset skills.

  • Social activities strengthen self-relating such as your active listening, comprehending, and compassion skills.

  • Existential activities strengthen self-purpose such as your exploring, meaning-making, and self-awareness skills.

C.O.S.(sounds like cause) are meaning-making methods.

  • Context is your lens on the activity.

  • Occupation is your function-ability of action.

  • Sense is your stimuli to act.

How do you help me determine what I need?

We validate your unique interests and values through resources aligned with your style of learning. Then we skillfully mirror and advocate for what you determine as your priorities and needs.

What do meaning-making methods ultimately do?

Meaning-making is a road-map to what is both pleasurable and likable to you. Understanding what is meaningful helps you develop skills and design personalized environments that empower you.

Meaning-making methods have helped clients:

  • Feel resilient, vitality, and energized

  • Experience self-efficacy, self-determination, and self-expertise

  • Structure problem solving, creative thinking, and decision making to orient action planning

  • Regulate lifestyle and work-life comprehensively

  • Systemize consistent sleep, nutrition, and movement/exercise

  • Schedule priorities to effectively manage stress and time with rest and recovery

How do I know you’re legit?

Our team is state licensed and nationally certified occupational therapy professionals. We uphold ethical standards and continuing education practices that have earned certifications and specializations, including: coaching, ergonomics, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, nutrition, personal (fitness) training, sleep, stress-management, recovery, and sensory regulation.

What is occupational therapy?

Occupational Therapy (O.T.) is the only profession that helps people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). 

Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.

Why are services consulting and not therapy?

Occupational therapy is most often a prescribed service by a doctor. Consulting services offer you our full and diverse skill sets in design, healthcare, health and wellness industries. What that means is you get all-in-one guidance from a designer, therapist, and coach!

I’m still uncertain if gig can help me.

Let’s see if the following might help you…Common reasons clients hire us say:

  • “I’m exhausted and I have no idea what problem to start with.”

  • “I’m overwhelmed with work.”

  • “I’m frustrated I can’t fall or stay asleep and I feel like I’ve tried everything.”

  • “I’m tired of trying to lose weight and not being successful.”

  • “I don’t want to work out at the gym but I know I need to do something.”

  • “I’m having a rough go at working from home.”

  • “I wish I could just keep doing what I want.”

  • “What is wrong with me?”

There are a few common client traits, too:

  • middle-aged,

  • struggling with a life-stage transition,

  • change of values, priorities, or interests.

Examples of struggles and changes are:

  • A struggle in maintain a desirable routine

  • Difficulty to unplug when working from home or remotely

  • A role change to single-parenting

  • A lifestyle change under-prioritizes self-care

  • A lack of motivation to stick with a routine

  • Low energy levels because of a life stage (i.e. perimenopause, menopause, adrenopause)

Still uncertain? Schedule a meeting or contact us.

What else would be helpful to know?

We are not dietitians. We are science-based researchers with a creative approach towards your relationship with food.

We are not interior designers or practice Feng Shui. We are the sole profession devoted to sensory regulation and therapeutic use of daily activities within built and natural environments.

We are an interdisciplinary team. We are for you! We will recommend alternative professionals, as needed.