Transitioning Is A Lifelong Experience
Occupational therapy (O.T.) practitioners problem solve, analyze, advocate, plan, organize, educate, support, and facilitate. We strive for “independence”, optimal functioning, and the highest quality of life.
The Dilemma Of Transitioning
Transitioning occurs throughout the lifespan. Whether it be from one role to another or one life stage to another, transitioning requires the ability to analyze, adapt, plan, and execute. These skills are crucial to the successful changing of careers, changing of geographical locations, and even changing of clothes in the morning. In this sense, we help people consciously gain skills that are crucial throughout the lifespan that most people may often take for granted.
O.T. practitioners help people analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and we collaborate to find a way to utilize the skills they have or build the tools that they need to be successful in their everyday lives and endeavors.
A Realistic Perspective.
Consider a woman returning from maternity leave. She is a new mom, transitioning to a new stage, gaining a new role, and adjusting to life as she knew it before. She is functioning on an average of 4 hours of sleep a night and is expected to graciously, efficiently, and effectively complete all her duties at home and in the workplace. Her mental health is suffering but no one really knows because mental health is not something socially acceptable to discuss. Her marriage and relationships have shifted because her whole world revolves around keeping a tiny human alive. Her human resource manger intervenes as they have noticed a downward trend in the quality of her work.
O.T. practitioners can help her manage her time, create new habits, acknowledge her mental and emotional health needs, work on her sleep, adjust to her new social relationships, and basically, find a new identity or understand her new one. We can provide resources on parenting or information on parenting classes and peer support groups. We can also help her cope with her stress and better understand her sensory triggers/ modulators. Occupational therapy practitioners help build skills for life while adjusting to the present and anticipating the future.
Additionally, sensory processing is another aspect of life O.T. addresses.
The Skinny On Sensory
Sensory cues are unavoidable and constant in any setting throughout life. How we interpret, react, and respond to sensory factors may affect many aspects of life. O.T. brings awareness to sensory factors and use this lens to help people who may, unknowingly, be affected by sensory issues that may be hindering their optimal performance or participation in life. We have the access and ability to use evidence based assessments and tools (i.e. resources, action-steps, accountability systems) to help evaluate a person’s sensory needs or sensitivities.
Understanding how sensory issues may affect a person can greatly help manage one’s productivity and attention.
A Lens On Commonalities Overlooked
O.T. brings awareness to factors of life that people often overlook. We respect that a person is not one-dimensional and life is made up of many complex processes that can and should be acknowledged, understood, refined, or adjusted. Everyone is dealing with their own life story, and we are here to help guide you to your most meaningful, fulfilling path.