A Tree Soliloquy
There are six reasons why every tree is my hero.
Trees communicate design intelligence. They are unique, alive, some rotted. Trees convey the sound of wind. Their numerous shapes range from solid to thin. Each inspires me to generously give to myself, as well as others, the resources for ideas to become tangible.
Trees reveal health. They endure. Every season they grow upward and outward. Beastly spiders or engraved sentiments aren’t a threat to their life. Those that quit producing fruit still continue to live on. Slowly their finer qualities are striped away. Even when a storm breaks off its weakest point there is still more life ahead, as well as a refuge for some or a bridge for others.
Trees exude talent. Their assets include food and wood with no mere need of plastic and metal. Its talent economy is highly specialized, "a linch-pin asset," while its organized economy offers many things to many different people. I feel the sense of a tree with each soft-gaze. The “felt-sense” is tree’s have hearts. I feel each tree’s radiant authenticity - beauty and faith - despite its outward appearance.
You have to show up as your authentic self. You have to be you. If you don't love what you do you're not going to do a very good job at it. And it starts here, in your heart, and that's where it radiates out from.
Nathan Sheppard
Trees are intentional. An unconditional species in that it gives all living things shade, fruit, and home. Trees are rooted with intentionality to exist “there” and be “there.”
Continuity is more important than ingenuity.
Wes Jackson
Trees are survivors. Deep roots help each to sustain generations of events. Tree’s resiliently shelter. Even when cut down a tree can become a new resource. They exist with us and beyond our existence.
The tree is my muse. It's a mosaic for continuity. Each tree has an ecological frame that is an ecosystem for health…mighty on its own and mighty with its forest.
I aspire to be something similar to a tree.